Nexus 7000 Configuration Guide
nexus 7000 configuration guide

The ASAs to the switches with vPC. Next, lets configure the synchronization lync between.Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Configuration Guide, Release 5.x OL-20635-03 Troubleshooting Features 1-7 CHAPTER 2 Configuring CFS 2-1 Information About CFS 2-1 Applications that Use CFS to Distribute Configuration Changes 2-2 CFS Distribution 2-2 CFS Connectivity in a Mixed Fabric 2-3 CFS Merge Support 2-4This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations.

Accounts Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Security Configuration Guide, Release 9. NX-OS does not support the login command to switch users. NX-OS does not distinguish between standard or extended access lists, all lists are named and "extended" in functionality. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Configuration Guide, Release 5.x OL-20635-03 Default Settings 6-3 Configuring System Message Logging 6-3 Configuring System Message Logging to Terminal Sessions 6-4 Logging System Messages to a File 6-5 Configuring Module and Facility Messages Logged 6-7 Configuring syslog Servers 6-8IngressPolicyMaps IngressClassMapNames 4q4t-4e-in-q1,4q4t-4e-in-q-default,4q4t-4e-in-q3, and4q4t-4e-in-q4 default-4q-4e-in-policy 4q1t-8e-4q4q-in-q1,4q1t-8e-4q4q-in-q-default, NX-OS did not support scp server prior to 5.1(1) release. Cisco Fabric Services (distributed configuration)Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS OTV Configuration Guide, Release 5.x Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Virtual Device Context Configuration Guide, Release 5.x Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS FabricPath Configuration Guide, Release 5.x Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide, Release 5.x Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS Licensing.

UDLD Aggressive and Nonaggressive Modes Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter Information About the Basic Interface Parameters Instead, command aliases can be created to provide the "write" command. When accessing NX-OS, users authenticate directly to their assigned privilege level. SSH server is enabled while Telnet server is disabled by default in NX-OS.

Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex Mode Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval Sharing the Bandwidth Among a Port Group Configuring the Basic Interface Parameters

nexus 7000 configuration guide

Nexus 7000 Configuration Guide How To Configure The

BeaconThe beacon mode allows you to identify a physical port by flashing its link state LED with a green light. For information on configuring this parameter for other interfaces, see the “Configuring the Description” section. Using a unique name for each interface allows you to quickly identify the interface when you are looking at a listing of multiple interfaces.For information on setting the description parameter for port-channel interfaces, see the “Configuring a Port-Channel Description” section. Feature History for Configuring Basic Interface ParametersThis chapter describes how to configure the basic interface parameters on Cisco NX-OS devices.This chapter includes the following sections:Note To configure the parameters that are specifically used for Layer 2 interfaces (access or trunking interfaces), see Chapter3, “Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces” To configure parameters that are specifically used for Layer 3 interfaces (routed interfaces, subinterfaces, VLAN interfaces, loopback interfaces, and IP tunnels), see Chapter4, “Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces”Information About the Basic Interface ParametersThis section includes the following topics:For the Ethernet and management interfaces, you can configure the description parameter to provide a recognizable name for the interface.

You can configure the debounce timer separately for each Ethernet port and specify the delay time in milliseconds. Debounce TimerThe debounce timer delays notification of a link change, which can decrease traffic loss due to network reconfiguration. By default, this parameter is enabled.For information on configuring the MDIX parameter, see the “Configuring the MDIX Parameter” section. This parameter applies only to copper interfaces. MDIXThe medium dependent interface crossover (MDIX) parameter enables or disables the detection of a crossover connection between devices. To identify the physical port for an interface, you can activate the beacon parameter for the interface.For information on configuring the beacon parameter, see the “Configuring the Beacon Mode” section.

For example, if UDLD detects a unidirectional link, the port is shut down at runtime. Error DisabledA port is in the error-disabled (err-disabled) state when the port is enabled administratively (using the no shutdown command) but disabled at runtime by any process. This situation might affect the convergence and reconvergence of some Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols.For information on configuring the debounce-timer parameters, see the “Configuring the Debounce Timer” section.

Use the show interface status err-disabled command to display the reason behind the error. If the recovery is enabled for a cause, the interface is brought out of the error-disabled state and allowed to retry operation once all the causes have timed out. You can also configure the recovery timeout for a particular err-disable causeIf you do not enable the error-disabled recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the error-disabled state until you enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands. By default, the automatic recovery is not configured, and by default the err-disable detection is enabled for all causes.When an interface is in the err-disabled state, use the errdisable detect cause command to find information about the error.You can configure the automatic error-disabled recovery timeout for a particular error-disabled cause and configure the recovery period.The errdisable recovery cause command provides an automatic recovery after 300 seconds.You can use the errdisable recovery interval command to change the recovery period within a range of 30 to 65535 seconds. Once a port goes into the err-disable state, you must manually reenable it or you can configure a timeout value that provides an automatic recovery.

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